DYCP-Blog 7: Does it Feel Right To You? (sonic journeying with Cherelle Sappleton)

Cherelle and I met when we both took part in The Colour Green Lab - a 4-part digital programme, led by Farah Ahmed for Julie’s Bicycle (as part of the Arts Council England environmental sustainability programme) between January and March. The Colour Green Lab was a knowledge and skills programme, to support and empower Black… Continue reading DYCP-Blog 7: Does it Feel Right To You? (sonic journeying with Cherelle Sappleton)

DYCP-Blog 6: Some thoughts on planning a novel…

A large part of my DYCP application was about me having the time to create a detailed plan for my first - *gulp!* - novel. I’d decided to approach this by working my way through the Writers HQ online course called Plotstormers, taking advantage of the generous sponsorship I’d been awarded which gave me a… Continue reading DYCP-Blog 6: Some thoughts on planning a novel…

DYCP -Blog 5: JAGUAR KIN, pt.2 – Filming a video with Thirty10Arts & Blk Diamond Dance

My preliminary meetings with Munya Muchati at Thirty10Arts were so incredibly helpful with guiding me in how to plan the video effectively so that the filming day would run as smoothly as possible. He talked me through the things I needed to think about in order to write a detailed Creative Brief for a film project.… Continue reading DYCP -Blog 5: JAGUAR KIN, pt.2 – Filming a video with Thirty10Arts & Blk Diamond Dance

DYCP – Blog 4: JAGUAR KIN pt.1- A poem becomes a song…

The seed for this collaborative project was planted at the end of April. I met up with friend and fellow writer, Oluwafemi Hughes Jonas (aka Femi), who had also been a part of the Tenebrae: Lessons Learnt In Darkness project (see my last blog for more info) for Brighton Festival. Although we’d been in the… Continue reading DYCP – Blog 4: JAGUAR KIN pt.1- A poem becomes a song…

‘Hope & Laundry’ – a poetic zine

Hope & Laundry is a zine about searching for change in the laundrettes of Brighton & Hove. It’s about following fear to find hope. Born out of connections made with dozens of customers and laundrette workers, Hope & Laundry is inspired by different conversations and encounters around, and about, the city’s laundrettes.